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Our Service


When choosing a new supplier we feel it is important to know the benefits and some of the common practices we feel you need to be aware of in order to make an informed decision. Our service is tailored to every customer and this is outlined within our easy-to-read rental agreement.


Equipment - We are an independent company with an unbiased view of the market. We supply the machines that have been proven to perform, not the ones we are given/contracted to supply. Other companies are often affiliated with a particular manufacturer or have committed to supplying a particular make/model, meaning this is ultimately what they will push. We operate every type of machine and focus on supplying the ones that outperform others, not the ones we need to get out the door!


Service - Our team are experienced in all areas. When we visit to empty our equipment, we can identify and resolve any issues that may otherwise go unnoticed. We carry out preventative maintenance to improve reliability and avoid separate engineer visits. Other companies often end up needing to send multiple staff to resolve simple issues leaving machines out of service and unhappy customers. A jammed note will require an engineer to attend but then a cash collector will need to attend to count the money in the machine to verify any refund claimed by the player. Similarly, if a cash collector arrives to the site and encounters a problem they will have to arrange a separate visit from an engineer.


Collections - Our unrivalled system uses real-time data from each machine to calculate the equipment income. The cash is counted using high-speed counting/sorting machines reducing the time we are on-site & eliminating mistakes. At the end of the collection a clear easy-to-file printout is provided this can also be automatically sent in real-time email as a PDF. Other companies count money by hand in full view of customers. Collection information is entered into an antiquated system producing receipts that are unclear and often over a meter in length.


Rentals - Equipment is supplied with one unique key to access all equipment within the site. Our engineers have a master key meaning key holders do not need to be present during engineer visits or machine changes and landlords have access to all equipment using a single key.

Fruit Machine Keys.png

If you have a mixture of rental and profit share equipment we can collect rental payments from the cash collections or you can choose to pay separately via BACS, Credit/Debit card, Direct Debit or Cheque.


Machine Specific Benefits


Gaming Machines - If we are supplying gaming equipment we can register your business for gaming duty, collect this from the cash collections and submit & pay the quarterly returns on your behalf.


Pool Tables - We exclusively supply Supreme® pool tables stipulated for most pub pool leagues. We actively renew our tables to ensure our customers receive the best equipment with the majority now having had their existing tables updated to the latest Supreme Match tables we started supplying in 2022. Pool table recovers are carried out off-site we bring a recovered slate and cushions to the site and swap over within a few minutes. 


We are clearly the exception when it comes to pool with many other companies choosing to leave the same pool table in situ year after year. Other companies use your bar as their workshop stripping the cloth on site and creating mess & dust. Whatever the state of the existing slate or cushions they will then be recovered.


Sticking to what we know and where we add value

We have seen a recent trend with other amusement machine providers offering all sorts of additional products from point-of-sale equipment to TVs, CCTV, fridges etc typically tieing customers into a two-year contract with a six-month notice clause to arrange removal. These products do not require the same level of service as they will not suffer abuse, vandalism, break-ins or money jams, require emptying/refilling and will not be updated during the term. The only service you are likely to receive is replacing/repairing if faulty which would normally be covered during the period by the manufacturer's warranty.


We only provide equipment where we know we can add value and the examples above are clearly not cost-effective during the 2/2.5 year initial term you will typically pay twice the purchase price but in no way own the equipment a very expensive loan you never can repay!

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